Sunday, July 22, 2012

this song popped into my head....

a dream or two
thats all i got in my head

hairy sinatra
coming to a karoke near you soon!

as long as ive got arms that cling at all.....

fuck yeah !

Sunday, July 8, 2012

when one door closes another door opens
i look forward to the future with hope and optimism
the banquet hall of love was kind to me
i stole a few meals there
stolen kisses
stolen moments
but were moments ever enough for a man with a love as big as i have?
its not about the size is what the ladies say

i sampled love
found it to my liking

i started singing about it
and suddenly i was singing all the time

suddenly i was talking to the sun and laughing with the birds
the sky was never bluer
and thats what i will hold on to
the truly beautiful crumbs of love i was able to snatch off the table
love crumbs
love crumbles from the rubble of my most recently erected love statue
i stand atop a pile of rubble
a pyramid of love
erected against impossibilities
they said it would never last
they said it would never endure
but there it sits
sure a little rough around the edges
                                                          but still a vaguely pyramidal pile of stones
the wind eats at the stones
the water takes small bites
in another few thousand years the desert will swallow it up
but now it sits there
a testament to a powerful forse that you are lucky to feel
a job then
to build this monument
to thank the universe
to show others how to get thru the bullshit and into the game of love
to show that it can be done

to save a wretch like me
wretch savers dot com
thats the newest train of thought ....